Realizing things....
This week, I have seen an old student of mine out and around campus. (Let's call this student Mary). Every time I see Mary she is happy and enjoying the day. It reminds me of this time last year when Mary was starting school in my class and having the hardest time with the big transition into kindergarten (and I mean HARD TIME). All year we bonded and became very connected. Now that summer has past and the school year has begun, it's such an amazing feeling to see this student flourishing and doing so well! Not only that, but she and I always say hi, walk to the playground, and play at recess. She always makes me smile! This week, I came to realize what it would feel like to care about your own child one day. I care for Mary so much it made me think of things. I got a small feeling or glimpse of what I think it'll be like to have a child of my own one day, and I can only imagine what parents feel when it's the real deal. Having kids is something I see in our near future plans and thanks to Mary it has made me so happy for that dream to come true one day!
On another note, my mom went back to California today. She and my step-dad have been here visiting for 2 months. I got so used to having them here and near by me that when I took them to the airport today I got really sad. My heart sunk and I realized how much I loved having them so close. It was a great visit with lots of time spent together. We did some fun things and had good laughs. They plan to come out again in February (possibly). I can't wait. I miss them already.
You will be the best Momma when the day comes! xoxo
You will be a nice mommy and those students are lucky to have you for a teacher. Very lucky!
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