Monday, November 15, 2010

I got a second job...

So, I got a second job to save up some extra money for paying off debt and other things. I found a tutoring job at a school just up the road from mine but the sad news is that is suffering and under restructuring.  The school is paying teachers to tutor after school from 2pm-4pm with money they got from a grant. So, I got hired to tutor the kinders. 

I sat down with the lady in charge of the hiring and the grant money and she told me she was happy to have teachers like me on staff for this because we know how to teach arts integration! She said "these kids sit so much all day doing paper pencil work- I want this time with you to be really fun and not just home work help". I thought it would be simple since I do it daily in my class. The only difference is I have started teaching with the arts from day one of school starting. It takes a lot of time to get the young kinders to a level of working together and getting "less silly". Not only that but I feel it takes a certain amount of technology (just the basics like a cd player, musical instruments, etc.) 

On day one of the tutoring job, the lady in charge comes by the classroom I was in and hands me over white lined paper, pencils, and index cards. I looked at her and was not understanding what this was for? I thought to myself "I thought she wanted arts integration?" And she gave me paper and pencils?????... I knew from that point we had a lot to learn. 

Well, it's only been day 2 of tutoring and I already have taught the students about "bubble space". That's a spot in the room they can find where they can move and make their bodies into shapes without moving out of their personal bubble space. It's great go get the kids to move without getting wild. Like I said before, we have a long ways to go, but this batch of kids really liked the drama work they did today. They made their bodies into the letters of the alphabet!  And I had fun teaching it to them for the first time! 

I am excited to see where this goes... I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

B said...

I love that you are doing this! Can't wait to hear updates on how your changing students lives :)