Controling our voices....
I made this with the kiddos at the beginning of the year because I have some LOUD friends in my class. It has really helped them by providing a visual of what voice level I expect them to speak at. Now, all I do it point to the poster and say "I need you at a level zero or one, it's time to work." and they get it.
What does it say about me that my husband always says to me 'You're at a 10 and I need you at a 2.'??? Maybe he needs to make me a chart? Ha!
HAAHHAHA! I get that too!
It's fun working with kinders b/c they tell me all the time "um, Mrs. Smith... what level are you using?"... I will reply.. sorry I just saw little Suzie giving herself a haircut and needed to get her attention real quick! BUSTED!
I am making one for Toben ASAP! He has zero volume control and I have zero patience for yelling.
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